

Welcome to Dressed To Match. I’m Michelle and I coordinate my outfits to match pieces of art!

Solomon's Delicatessen

Solomon's Delicatessen

This was one of the more challenging matches I’ve done recently. Finding something to match the mural wasn’t a big deal - in fact, that was probably the easiest part!

If you’ve been reading about my matches for my Visit Sacramento takeover you’ll remember I mentioned how my friend Kachet (The Kachet Life) and I bounce ideas off each other. She’s the one who suggested I incorporate the blue Medusa hair somehow into my look. I hadn’t even considered it! We though about a wig for about .001 seconds and then realized that would definitely be cheesy! So I started searching for some sort of fringe - whether it was a blue fringe dress or ultimately this crazy yarn fringe jacket. I love how it compliments the mural!

Back to why it was challenging, though. The angles. OH MY GOSH the angles. The mural is up high and honestly it would have been much better if I had a cherry picker in my tool box but clearly that wasn’t an option so we had to make do. Shooing up is never really that flattering so we opted to meet in the middle by shooting from a longer distance and dealing with the fact that the mural was ultimately skewed. I’m happy with the result, though!

This mural has become an icon in Sacramento. It was commissioned by Russ Solomon in 1973 for Tower Records and over the past few decades has really worn for the worst. Luckily as K Street has undergone redevelopment, the mural was preserved by a team of artists who restored it to its original splendor! You can read more about that here.

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Nate Frizzell

Nate Frizzell

Jose Di Gregorio

Jose Di Gregorio